I love the LEGO Batman Trailers!

I’m so excited for the LEGO Batman Movie. These two trailers made my day. You should watch them if you haven’t yet. They have the perfect amount of funny in them. Also the animation is amaaaaazzzing. #goals One day I’ll learn how to use 3D software to make animations like this. Till then, my 2D work awaits!

Speaking of which…I need to formulate a new plan on my animations. I’ve been slacking. Gonna have to get myself back on track this next month. Hoping that VEDA helps me be more productive. I think it will. Usually when I have something like that it forces me to stay on task. Not to mention that I gotta make my videos a bit more fun than just sitting around on photoshop. Anyway, watch the LEGO trailers below. I’ll get back to you with the status update for my goals tomorrow.


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